I have been a scrapbooking psycho latily! Mom added a digitial scrapbook program to our new computer and I'm loving it! I have been posting my pages on a site www.tallyscrapper.com but I thought I would post some of my favorites on my blog!
This is Brady and his teacher Mrs. Goff. He just adores her! He talks about her all the time and I am so grateful for what she has been teaching him this year! I love her because she loves Christ and it shows in how she loves her students! She is a wonderful teacher!
As you know I got a stress fracture earlier this school year. I had to document the 12 weeks I spent with this boot on! Yes, I blinged it out because I was tired of it being so ugly!
Tony and I at Chuck E Cheese! This is our expression when we are there!
This is my favorite page I've done so far because I love the colors!
Well, that's it for now! I have to go to the gym...my class I'm taking starts in 15 minutes! If you want to see more check out the page I was talking about!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I know it's a complete shock that I'm blogging on time. But we were just sitting here waiting to go to lunch and I thought I would post some pics from this morning.
As you can see, the boys racked up the loot this year! Brady woke up before everyone else. He quietly went to the living room and just sat looking at his presents while he waited on everyone else to wake up.
Kaden ended up in our bed sometime over night so we woke him up. We thought he'd run straight to the jeep but he went to the kitchen instead! He has been "cooking" for us all morning!
Brady had asked for so many things and was super excited to see that Santa got him a DS. He also got a new robe, Wii games, Connect 4, Battleship, a camera, a sleeping bag, and a race track.
Kaden got a Jeep, kitchen, laptop, Little People plane, an MP3 player, a robe, and a doctor's kit. I'm sure there are many more things I can't seem to remember right now!
I got a new iPOD and some gift cards. Tony got some Wii pajamas...... and a lot of other things!
Well, I have to get the kids ready to go to my aunt's house for round two!
have a Merry CHRISTmas and I'll add more later!
Posted by tpillstrom at 2:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
So, I have been waiting by the mail box everyday for the past week on my results from my test. As you know, I have taken the Praxis 2 six times and this test is the only thing that stands in the way of my teaching career. Well, today, I called the company and asked if I was ever going to get my scores. Well, come to find out they have been available online for more than a week now. No one ever told me they wouldn't be mailed anymore. So, I checked today, and.....drum roll please.....I PASSED! Whew! I can't believe that the sixth time is the charm. I am so grateful to God for passing this test!
I have tons of pics of the boys to post but I'm tied so I will do that tomorrow!
Posted by tpillstrom at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I can't believe that Christmas is just a week away! Where has the year gone? Maybe before the year is over I will do a year in review blog. But for now, I will just update you on what's going on at the Pillstrom house. This week has been very eventful. We got out of school early on Monday because of the possibility of snow. We thought we would be out of school on Tuesday but to no avail! Tuesday night, we learned that Tony's grandma died. She was 90years old and lived a good Christian life. We are sad but also happy that she's now with Jesus and her beloved husband.
We will be traveling to the Fort this weekend for the funeral. I originally had planned on going to a cheer competition but we have learned that you must be flexible in life!
This weekend was our small group Christmas party. Kaden actually sat in Santa's lap and didn't freak out like last year. I'm sure you all remember the picture. So, here is a picc from this year.
I was so proud of him! I am also proud that he continues to do well with potty training as long as we stay on top of things. He will go if you make him but he's still too busy to tell us he needs to go. He usually tells you after the fact.
Here are the boys with Lanah. She is such a cutie. She's three and though you would think she would beKaden's girlfriend, and he thinks she is, she says that she's Brady's girlfriend. That's so sweet. She was looking at Brady but the picture snapped too late.
The of course, what would a blog be without a picture of the boys and me..taken by of course...me! They love taking pictures like this.
In case I don't get the change to blog again before Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Posted by tpillstrom at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
I set a goal for this past summer that Kaden would Kaden would be potty trained before I went back to school. Unfortunatly, that didn't work out like I wanted. But he has been working hard to be potty trained because he wants to go to Cheesy Cheese (Chuck E Cheese). We took him last weekend and he had a blast. So, this week he has been really good about using the potty. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and today he has worn big boy undies and used the potty with no accidents. Until today, at church he had an accident. But none the less, I had to take some pics of him on the potty.
I know you probaby don't care but this is actually this morning and he poopooed in the potty. Of course, we had to sing and dance. Last night he got a tattoo for doing #2. I'm really proud of his progress.
These pictures are from last night. Kaden was on the arm of the couch looking so cute. Of course, by the time I got the camera out and took the picture, this is what I got. That boy! Brady had to mimic and his is perfect as always!
Posted by tpillstrom at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I got a new camera! Mom gave me my early Christmas present this weekend! What an awesome weekend it was! My brother PJ cooked an awesome Thanksgiving meal. We hung out and had a really good time with our family and a few friends. Of course on Friday, mom and I went shopping with all the crazies! Then on Saturday we went scrapbook shopping with a friend of mom's. Sunday was church and then to Chuck E Cheese. Kaden has been using the potty all weekend and actually poo pooed twice. Including tonight! He's really getting the hang of it and I'm so proud of him. I'm attaching a few pics from Thursday and one of my brother and me from today!
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today on the way home from the sitter's house, we were listening to Christmas music! Trans Siberian Orchestra came on and I turned it up really loud for Kaden to enjoy. Of course he starts yelling "Ah-tar, ah-tar" which means "guitar" in Kadenese. He starts rocking out! It was awesome. I was driving and was thinking, "I'm totally going to miss this!" So, I grabbed the phone and stuck my arm in the back seat to record! I love it! He is so stinking cute. I love how he's moving his fingers like he's really playing the guitar. He also has a great ending that goes right with the music! This kid is so talented and I'm so proud of him! I can't wait to see him when he really is a rock star!
Posted by tpillstrom at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
We finally took family pictures! I love them! This picture was taken two weeks ago by our friend Nick Trentham. He is a wonderful photographer! It was so hard trying to get Kaden to pose for more than a second! Kim brought candy and bribed him.
Not much has been going on around here! I've been sick for the past two weeks. It started out as a sinus infection and for some reason it has continued dispite two different antibiotics. I didn't have a voice all week. It's really hard to teach 14 year olds with no voice!
Today we went to Starkville to watch the Hogs lose! I'm pretty disappointed since I've never been to a losing game since I became a fan. Maybe we can redeem ourselves next year when I get to go the Ole Miss game. Oh well, you can't win them all!
We're so excited about this week being Thanksgiving. Mom, Jim and PJ will be in town early Thursday morning. This year PJ is actually going to cook. He usually refuses because it's his vacation. I'm super excited about him cooking this year!
That's pretty much all that's been going on around here.
Posted by tpillstrom at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
As much as I have tried to keep from doing it, it's time for me to blog my political agenda! I'm sitting at school on an inservice day...there are no kids here! And I'm wondering how this day will conclude. Will my guy win or will he lose? I have no idea! But what I do know is this, at the end of the day...no matter what day it is...God will still be God! I've really struggled with this latily! I've wondered how the race will end and if it's not my choice why God would let something like that happen. And then I have to remind myself, HE has a plan. I know that I can't see the whole picture right now...but God can and he's ok with his decision.
Incase you didn't already know, I am very conserative! Before I had kids, I know that I was very liberal. But now that I'm responsible for someone elses life, I know the importance of a Good America. I want my kids to grow up with the freedom to choose their religion (granted it better be christian!). I want them to choose to have a gun, vote for president, support causes they want to support. I don't want to see them be left behind in education because we make more money than the national poverty level. I want them to understand that nothing is free and that you have to work if you want to have money to have nice things. I want them to have jobs that they love and have the freedom to thithe their 10% to God...no one else!
But I'm worried! I'm worried that so many people have on their blinders and can't see what's really going on! I'm worried that our country will be dupped in the end and everything we have fought against will be!
So, I ask you this...please pray for our country. This is the day the world is watching! They are just waiting for us to self destruct. It can and will happen if we take God out of our decision today!
Posted by tpillstrom at 12:43 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Well, the terrible mother that I am, I have no Halloween pics to post. I used my phone to take pics because my camera is broken and it didn't work out very well. But I do have some great stories from the night.
We went on a hayride with our small group friends. This is the second year we've gone to one of our friends neighborhoods and rode on the trailers. It's so much fun to go with a big group of friends and not have to walk the entire time! The kids tire out faster when you have to walk the whole neighborhood! Anyway, Kaden was the cutest thing! He was Batman and just look so cute in his costume! He thought it was great to walk to a house and people would just give him candy! I'm sure this will always be his favorite holiday!
Brady on the other hand had a great night that didn't end so well! One house had made a Haunted House in their front yard! Brady wasn't about to go in because he said it just didn't sound right. So, he stood outside waiting for his friends. After it was all over he told me that the haunted house made him lose his fun! So, the rest of the night he just moped around with no fun! Luckily when he woke up yesterday morning he had gotten his fun back! I don't know where he comes up with these things! He cracks me up all the time!
So, here we are, the beginning of November and I'm so ready for the holidays! I can't wait!
Today I'm sitting at home sick! I have a sinus infection and I'm so mad about it! I have made it almost 12 weeks of school without getting sick and then BAM! Oh, well, I guess it could be worse! I will try to upload some pictures soon!
Posted by tpillstrom at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
So, let me ask this question...does this kid look like Kaden? This is a pic of my little brother when he was Kaden's age and my grandmother thinks he looks just like PJ. You decide.
This week was Fall Break and we went to the zoo. I thought you would enjoy seeing how much the kids have grown. Also, I'm loving the new baby at the zoo! There's giraffe. And Kaden loved the gorilla.
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
In an effort to keep up on the blogging, I downloaded some pics from my phone to post. The first one is of Kaden a few weeks ago at the doctor's office. He learned how to use my phone that day and now I have tons of pictures of his feet and hands! The second pic is Brady and me on the first day of school! And the last one is Kaden one night when he fell asleep watching tv. Isn't it funny he would fall asleep with the cup in his mouth! He's such a redneck!
So, I realized that I mentioned my foot and didn't tell you what was wrong. This summer I hurt it in aerobics and never went to the doctor about it. Well, needless to say, Ihave a stress fracture. So, I'm wearing a boot with crutches. Boo! Hopefully I will be getting it off soon!
Posted by tpillstrom at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I have gotten so completely terrible at blogging these days. I haven't even posted any pictures of the boys in forever. So, If you are still loyal to checking out my blog, I will finally deliver. I decided to change somethings on my page tonight. I changed my layout and background. Unfortunatly, I lost some links to my friends pages. I hope I will get them back soon. I also added some new links. One, women of chc, is where I've been latily. I have gotten really involved in the women's ministry at church. I am a small group leader and a blog writer. I love it!
So, the pictures are things I stole from my mom's scrapbook page site. These are pages she's made but I thought it would be ok to post them since I haven't been taking any pictures. My camera is broken so I have been using my phone. I'll try to be unlazy and get some pictures of the boys up The first picture is one of Kaden and me! All we seem to do these days is smooch! I love it! The second one is of Brady and the scooter he got for his birthday. He loves it. This is the only way to get him to go out side and play these days. He's so into playing the Wii that it's hard to get him outside to play. The last one is of me! I don't know what the reason was, but she scrapped me when I was six. Isn't that funny? Can you believe I was so blonde?
What have I blogged about this week? Maybe Kaden and the ER! Well, he's doing much better. His mouth is pretty swollen but he's eating and talking as normal! My foot is still in the healing process. I go to the doctor on Wednesday. I'm sure they will tell me I'm not taking care of it as I should. It still hurts pretty bad.
Tony is now in a band! They are awesome! They are called Dela Croix. It means "of the cross." They will be playing their first gig on Friday, October 24 at Higher Ground in Hernando. If you can make it that would be awesome!
I will try and be better about updating! I miss writing and love it so much!
Posted by tpillstrom at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Oh what a night! Nothing is more exciting than a long night at the ER. Yes, I said it...ER! Last night, we got home from church. Kaden got in the tub, as usual, and started playing. Kaden has two habits in the tub...jumping off the side into the water and crying wolf! Well, last night was no wolf cry! He jumped into the tub and bit through his lip. We didn't think much about it until he came streaking down the hall with a mouth full of blood. So, we got him dressed and headed to the children's hospital. After a two hour wait, we asked where we stood in line. We had 8 before us and they had only taken two back during that time. So, Tony decided to play the "I work at the hospital" card and we called Methodist South. They got us back with in 10 minutes and we were out of there in less than an hour! No stitches to report. Just a sore mouth and an antibiotic. I'm sure because he's a male person he won't have learned his lesson and we'll have many more trip to the ER in the future!
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
I just looked and it has been more than a month since I've blogged. Well, that's not really true, I'm a writer on my church's blogspot so I've been blogging there. But, since I'm home with what was a sick child...I thought I'd work to catch you up! First things first...I'm home today...Homecoming of all days...because Kaden decided to throw up from 12-3 this morning. Of course he wakes up feeling like a million bucks. I wish I could bounce back like that.. So, I'm taking advantage of being at home and going to eat lunch with Brady. I have someone to watch Kaden, so he won't be spreading the germs that someone else obviously gave him. I'm taking McDonald's and Brady has no idea. he will be so surprised!
Not a lot has been going on around here but the norm! Brady joined the Cub Scouts last week. He's pretty excited. He really wants to shoot a gun and bow and arrow. Why does Mississippi = redneck? Seriously. Tony isn't into that and of course I'm not into that kind of thing. But last night Brady said he wanted a Bazooka for Christmas. I couldn't help but crack up. He has also decided that he wants to join the Army so he can learn to shoot a tank. Where does he come up with these things?
Kaden went to the ENT on Monday and passed his hearing test for both ears! I was so excited! It still looks like he will have to get another set of tubes. But I know he can hear now. Other than having male hearing (or lack of) syndrom. Today, he is working on taking everything out of Brady's closet and bringing it into the living room. I will worry about that when I get home from lunch with my Brady!
So, I mentioned that I have been blogging on my church's blog. Check it out. Womenofchc.blogspot.com I think is the address. It's made up of several women from several walks of life from our church. I love being a part of the women's ministry. I worked with the youth for so long, it's nice to do something different! We have such an awesome time. I'm leading a group for single ladies ages 20-30. I'm also on the planning committee for our Christmas party which is always a blast. And I often get volunteered for other events.
Well, it's 11 and I need to get ready for my lunch date!
Have a great weekend!
Posted by tpillstrom at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 09, 2008
I just love the Olympics! We're sitting here watching the men's gymnastics! I hope Brady is enjoying this! He wants to take gymnastics.
Well, school started this past week. I've been so excited all summer and it finally is here! I can't believe how little all the kids are! I also had forgotten how immature 9th graders are at the beginning of the year.
Brady started 1st grade this week! He came home and said "It was AWESOME!" He really likes his teacher and you know he is such a book worm! I know he is going to do great this year!
Kaden is back at the sitter and loving his schedule! We all really do better when we have structure! I'll keep you posted and I will try to upload some pics from my school computer!
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Once again no pictures. For some reason this thing isn't letting me upload anymore. I really need to check into that. But I can still update you on what's been going on here!
Brady has been sick since Friday. We went to the doctor on Saturday and found out he has strep throat. So we have been cooped up at home waiting for him to get better. The only thing, he's not gettting better. He kept having a fever and so we went back on Monday. They said he was on the turn around and keep a watch on the fever. Yesterday he broke out in a rash all over. So, we went back today. The doctor tested him for mono and it came back negative. However, the doctor is pretty sure he has it. So, now we're just watching the fever and the rash and leaning on God to take care of things.
When we got home, I told him I would ask all of my friends to pray for him and we would see God do a miracle. So, we sat down and prayed and I'm really hoping that he will be free of the Rash by tomorrow. I would love for him to physically see how praying works. That would be so cool for him to witness a miracle like that! So, please keep him in your prayers!
Kaden went last week for his 2 year chrck up with the cleft lip doctor. He got a great review! He's growing just fine and they want to just watch and see how he grows. He may not need anymore surguries on his lip! Wouldn't that be great. We also saw a dentist and she said he has two extra teeth and they should fall out just like the others. They want him to see a dentist to make sure he doesn't have extra premanent teeth. If so they can fix that problem!
Two more weeks until school starts! I'm so excited I love school!
Posted by tpillstrom at 3:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ok, I've tried several times to upload pictures from Brady's trip to California and for some reason blogger won't let me. So once again you get a blog without any pictures. I can't seem to get them on snapfish either. It's probably just my computer. I'll try to work on it.
So, for the past 9 days my little boy...well, big boy...Brady has been at my dad's house in Cool, California. Tony went with him and then came home on Saturday. My dad is bringing him home tomorrow and I can't wait! I've never been away from him this long and I miss him so much! He's having a great time, though. He's been to San Francisco, sliding on waterfalls, horseback riding, and swimming. I know he's making memories that he will have forever!
Back here on the homefront, Kaden has taken to being an only child really well! He has become such a momma's boy I don't know what will happen when Brady gets back. He's been sitting in my lap for the past week and all we have really done is sit around and smooch! He's loving it I'm sure!
Let me figure out what's up with my uploading and hopefully I will get some pictures up!
Posted by tpillstrom at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I know I'm the worst at blogging these days! Well, I haven't really been on the computer much either! I'm taking a three week course for my teaching license and it's keeping me really busy! I thought I'd better put down a quick update on the world of Pillstroms'. Let's see, we're doing pretty good with the potty when one of us actually thinks to make Kaden go! He is so proud of himself and loves the attention he gets with he tee-tee's in the big potty. He actually pooped last week but it hasn't happened again! Right now he's sitting in thel iving room watching TV with a big boy pull up on! We'll see how the rest of the day plays out!
I would love to post some new pics but I don't have any. My camera is broken so it may be a while til I get some online!
Oh...today we put Kaden in his bed, which is still his crib, and he climbed out! I knew the day would come but I wasn't sure when. He acted like it was no big deal! So, tonight we're going to try letting him sleep with Brady in his room. I would love for the boys to share a room because we could make Kaden's room the play room! That would be so nice!
Brady had his last ball game today. We played the Wildcats. This team smears us everytime we play so we weren't excited. We almost forefitted because we were down three players. But to our delight, we won the game! I couldn't believe it! After the game all the parents took the kids to McDonald's for a celebration! Oh, I forgot to add that Tony coached today because both of our coaches were out of town. So, as coach, Tony is 1-0 with a winning season!
I will be finished with my class next Thursday. Then I will be a real teacher. Just kidding I was already a real teacher!
Tony and Brady are going to California on Tuesday so Kaden and I will be living it up for a few days! Maybe I'll have time to post while they're gone!
Posted by tpillstrom at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I am currently sitting in a room of silence and I am loving it! Kaden is passed out on the floor. He was watching Barney and fell asleep. Brady is on his way home from Basketball camp with his friend Garrett. Ok...just kidding...he just got home.
So, I've been enjoying my time off thus far. I set a goal of cleaning a room a day plus getting the laundry done. I have currently cleaning the kitchen, living room, Brady's room and the two bathrooms. All I have left is my room and Kaden's. I hope to have those done by the weekend. It's so nice to sit in a clean room and not have to feel like your overwhelmed with junk everywhere!
We're headed to the zoo tomorrow so I will try to take some pics. I left my camera at the Ray's house on Memorial day so I can't post anything new right now.
Oh, I'm also actually reading a book. I know can you believe it? It's called "Same Kind of Different as Me." It's really good. I would recommend it if you're looking for a good tear jerker! I'm setting a goal to read 4 books this summer. We'll see if that actually happens. But I'm on a quest to broaden my vocabulary and this next to crossword puzzles are the way I plan to do it!
Posted by tpillstrom at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
It is done!!!!
Today is officially teacher's last day of school. I can't believe it's already over. I'm so looking forward to some much needed rest. I plan to get my house really clean. And most of all, I plan to spend quality time with the boys! I was thinking today about this past school and wanted to blog about it so I would always remember my first year of teaching.
My room is packed,
Everything is put away,
I still can't believe today is the last day.
The kids have all gone,
The halls are bare,
Summer vacation, I'm almost there.
A's, B's, C's, D's;
I even handed out some F's,
No, I'm not pleased.
But I was honored to watch them grow.
There were so many things they had to know.
Short stories, pronouns, oxymoron, pun,
"Romeo and Juliet", "And Then There Were None."
Hyperbole, verb tense, essay's, and more,
I hope that my first year wasn't a bore.
And now that I have turned in my key,
My gradebook, records, and dictionary,
I sit here with my classroom all packed,
Vacation will be great but I can't wait to get back!
Posted by tpillstrom at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
So, I'm sitting here right now watching my third period take their final exam. I can't believe today is the last day I will see them. I'm really sad that this school year is over! Don't get me wrong, I will be glad to have a break. It's exhausting teaching everyday. I never really thought teachers had a hard job until I walked in their shoes. But man! You have to use your brain everyday. Not to mention the emotional attachment you get with these kids. I feel like I have 98 children and what effects them effects me! I love these kids and they have made my first year teaching awesome!
Brady's last day of school is on Thursday. It's only a half day so he officially will have his last day on Wednesday. I'm thinking that I don't want to see any kids on Thursday, his teacher probably doesn't either.
A week ago Brady had his school program. It was called Wackadoo Zoo.
This is a picture of his class plus two others. Each class ended up being different animals. Brady was a lion that made rooster sounds.
This last picture is Mrs. Paula, Brady and Miss Bailey (she's married now so she's Mrs. Martin). These two ladies have made Brady's first year of school a wonderful experience. I appreciate all they have done for him! He has made all "S's" on his report card. He can read really well for a 5 year old. And he loves school!
Man, this blog has made me so sad! My little boy is about to be in the first grade! How they grow up so fast!!!!
Posted by tpillstrom at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Finally the time came to head for home! Of course he had to slide everytime! We need to work on this one!
Posted by tpillstrom at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sad...no wait....Happy News!
On Saturday morning, we woke up and found out our dog had run away! We searched for her all day. Brady was so upset about this. He actually drew a picture of her and walked up and down the street looking for her and asking the neighbors over and over. One of my neighbors is a teacher with me and she said it was the saddest thing watching him.
So, until yesterday we had heard nothing. But then Tony got a phone call yesterday afternoon that some one had found her. We were so excited! And KAtie was excited to be home!
Posted by tpillstrom at 12:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Last night I had one of those moments that you want to make sure and record so that you never forget it! I was reading a devotion...this is a new habit I'm trying to form...and Brady climbed up in my lap and asked me to read him a story from the bible I was using. So, I asked him what his favorite story was and I would read it to him. He said he likes the one where Jesus feeds the five thousand. So we read the story and he asked me to do another one. He said he wanted to hear about Jesus and the woman at the well. I'm so proud of his bible knowledge.
He slept with me last night because Tony is sick and wanted to sleep on the couch. He asked me if it was ok to pray scripture to God. I could have cired that was so sweet. So, we talked about why you pray scripture and how to do it! He prayed John 3:16 to God last night.
Oh...one more thing. After we read the stories, we talked about what they ment. We discussed what "living water" is and why we need it! He looked at me right before he went to sleep and said, "I love living water! I love to drink it. It's the best tasting water ever!!!!!"
I love sweet moments!
Posted by tpillstrom at 1:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Still Spring Break
This has got to be the best Spring Break I've had in a long time. Oh, wait....it's the only Spring Break I've had since college! As you know, we're at mom's house in Texas. We got here Saturday around lunch time. We went to the Rainforest Cafe and the River walk. We had Jim's family over for dinner and hung out Saturday night. Sunday, we went to Six Flags with mom and my brother. I'll have to post pics from that later because I haven't downloaded them yet. Then yesterday, we went to the Japanese Tea Garden and the San Antonio Zoo. I wanted to get some good pics of the boys so I hope you enjoy!
Next is Kaden stopping to smell the flowers. I think he was actually blowing at them but it made for a good picture.
This is the waterfall at the garden. We were on the other side where we had to climb a million stairs...not really a million but with an almost two year old it seemed like it! Next, we were off to the zoo. We had guest passes thanks to a friend of my brother's and she took us up close as personal with the Rhinos. It was really cool. We got to go back where they feed them and take some pictures!
Thanks, Sarah! We appreciate the passes and the tour! That had to be the highlight of the day.
There are many more picutres but I will save them for when I get back! We fly out tomorrow around 11. We're going to have breakfast with PJ and mom and then it's on to the plane!
Posted by tpillstrom at 5:21 PM 0 comments