Sunday, November 01, 2009


Apparently, I'm the world's worst blogger! I haven't blogged in waaaayyyy over a month. Ya see, What had happened was...I really don't spend a whole lot of time on the computer these days. Between soccer, school, church, and all the other stuff, I just haven't been able to sit down and think. So, sorry about the excuses. Also, I had decided to upload some pics for this post and I can't seem to find my cord for the camera. I'll work on that in my spare time!

As for our world, Brady is doing great in school. He loves being in spotlight class and he can't wait for the field trip he's getting to take in December. He and I will get to ride a train to Jackson, MS with his gifted class. While there, we will visit the Museum of Natural Science, watch A Christmas Carol on stage, visit the capital, old capital and the governor's mansion. Then we will head back to Memphis. I'm so super excited about this trip. Unfortunatly, only one of us can go and since Tony's on call that weekend, it gets to be me!

Kaden is also loving school. His day consists of mornings in the preschool at my school. There he has a student buddy for each block. They help him with what ever and even get to plan lessons and snacks for the class. It's a learning lab for the students and the kids just love it! Then he hops on a bus and heads over to the Developmentaly Delayed class where he gets speech therapy and reenforcement. He loves going to Mrs. Robin's class and he has been learning so much! He misses nap time but his speech has improved by leaps and bounds. I can't believe he's progressing as fast as he is!

Tony has been playing guitar in the Sunday morning band for a few months now. He's amazing and I just love watching him worship on stage! It's so not his personality to be on stage but it's cute none the less. He's also decided to start leading a small group in the spring. I can't wait!

And then there's me...teaching two subjects is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I love it! I never get bored and it makes the day go by so fast. Not to mention my Journalism students challenge me daily! I was observed last week for my semester eval and seriously, I actually had a student ask me why we didn't have an athiest's club at our school. One of the principal's was sitting there, I could feel him staring at me waiting for my response. After I started sweating like a man, I calmly explained that we probably would never have that club and if need be we would get rid of FCS to make sure of that. Boy would the liberals have loved that! I also like talking to them about politics and making them realize that the current presidency is all about race and nothing about policy. They actually dislike his ideas and policies but yet defend him because it's "not his fault". What a world...What a world....(as I melt into a green puddle of goo in the floor!)

That about wraps it up around here! Hopefully, I'll find my cord and get some pics on here soon!