Monday, January 12, 2009


Today, I walked 10376 steps! I wore a pedometer today to school just to see how much I actually walk. Now I have to admit, I did take a few extra steps today just becuase I was wearing it...but I guess that's the point right? I'm still working on my goal of losing 40lbs by June. We'll see if I can acutally do it! But I have to admit, I'm trying really hard.
So far, I've lose 5 lbs. I think that's pretty good for two weeks. I'm counting points with weight watchers online and I'm working out 5 days a week. I learned today that a couple of people at school lost 7 lbs and worked out 7 days. I guess I need to step it up if I want to win this competition. Acutally, there's a double bonus. I'm joining the church weight loss challenge. It's a $20 joining fee and they give weekly prizes plus overall prizes. I think I really have a chance to win part of this competition becuase I have such motivation. I will post a weekly update to let you know how I'm doing.


Heathahlee said...

Wow! That's great, Tobie! I can never get my pedometers to work. : (