Finally the time came to head for home! Of course he had to slide everytime! We need to work on this one!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Finally the time came to head for home! Of course he had to slide everytime! We need to work on this one!
Posted by tpillstrom at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
4/24/08 wait....Happy News!
On Saturday morning, we woke up and found out our dog had run away! We searched for her all day. Brady was so upset about this. He actually drew a picture of her and walked up and down the street looking for her and asking the neighbors over and over. One of my neighbors is a teacher with me and she said it was the saddest thing watching him.
So, until yesterday we had heard nothing. But then Tony got a phone call yesterday afternoon that some one had found her. We were so excited! And KAtie was excited to be home!
Posted by tpillstrom at 12:57 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Last night I had one of those moments that you want to make sure and record so that you never forget it! I was reading a devotion...this is a new habit I'm trying to form...and Brady climbed up in my lap and asked me to read him a story from the bible I was using. So, I asked him what his favorite story was and I would read it to him. He said he likes the one where Jesus feeds the five thousand. So we read the story and he asked me to do another one. He said he wanted to hear about Jesus and the woman at the well. I'm so proud of his bible knowledge.
He slept with me last night because Tony is sick and wanted to sleep on the couch. He asked me if it was ok to pray scripture to God. I could have cired that was so sweet. So, we talked about why you pray scripture and how to do it! He prayed John 3:16 to God last night. more thing. After we read the stories, we talked about what they ment. We discussed what "living water" is and why we need it! He looked at me right before he went to sleep and said, "I love living water! I love to drink it. It's the best tasting water ever!!!!!"
I love sweet moments!
Posted by tpillstrom at 1:47 PM 2 comments