A much needed break is on its way! I can't believe for the first time ever I have a job that I don't have to "request" off for the holidays! I love it!!!!!
So, we've had a rough week. Kaden had his surgery on Wednesday last week. For about 5 days he felt horrible and made sure to let us know. I stayed home with him Wed and Thursday. Tony stayed home on Friday. Poor baby! He just wanted to be held those day s and all weekend. So, that's what we did...we held him!
He went back to the sitter on Monday and played outside for the first time in 6 days. He seems to be feeling better! I'm tired though and ready for my holiday break!
I will post some pics from Thanksgiving soon!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Posted by tpillstrom at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Boy, am I tired! Between myself and Kaden both being sick this week, I'm pretty worn out! Where do I start? As you are well aware, crazy weather means sick for those of us who suffer from allergies! So, this week I successfully lose my voice by Friday. It's really hard to teach talkitive students when you can't be louder then they are! However, I did have a few nice students who tried to teach for me! Funny how when I'm teaching they don't have a problem talking but when it's them at the front of the class, they get so mad when everyone is acting up!
Next, on to Kaden. Well, we all know that he has been sick since he was born. So, last night he woke up coughing and threw up all over the place. Nice! So, we get him cleaned up...aka bath number 2... and put him in the bed with Brady. An hour later, he wakes up coughing again....and yep...throw up! Bath number 3! Tony and I traded off all night who got to sleep holdinghim! Not fun! He was pretty under the weather today and didn't eat much!
Oh....I do have great news...Kaden used the big potty today to "Tee Tee"!!!!!!!! He loves to sit on the big potty but never goes! Tonight he went and we made a huge deal about it! Hopefully he'll do it again tomorrow! I'll keep you posted!!!!
Posted by tpillstrom at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 03, 2007
The Halloween post has finally arrived! Halloween lasted almost a week here at the Pillstrom house. Saturday, after attending 2 birthday parties...see April's blog for info on one of them...we went to a Halloween party with the college kids. Brady wanted to wear his costume so it was a trial run on the mummy. Ok...needless to say...I had a lot of work ahead of me. So, Sunday we went to a party with our small group! The kids looked great. Kaden was a clown and Brady wore the mummy again. Ok...try two was a bust. But he had fun.
Posted by tpillstrom at 9:14 PM 1 comments