Thursday, March 30, 2006


14 days and counting! I went for my weekly check up today. I'm on the books for April 13th at 8am. While I was with my doctor she said she wanted to see me in a week if I make it that long. When the Doc said "if you make it that long" it makes me believe he's coming soon! I'm so excited. I was watching the woman today with her newborn. I just got so excited thinking of what the next couple of weeks will hold. I can't wait to see the look on Brady's face when he gets to meet his little brother! I'm trying to think of a good gift that Kaden can have for his big brother when he gets to the hospital. I believe Brady and Tony will be going to Build A Bear to make a gift for the baby. The nursery is finished and it is so cute. I'm still waiting on a poster to arrive from ebay. Then the whole room will be complete minus baby! Please keep my step brother and his wife in your prayers. They are going to become foster parents to two little kids. A 2 year old girl and 5 year old boy. They are hoping to adopt the kids if all goes well! I know God will bless them.